Enrichment Holding Pty Ltd

Enrichment News

ERH help overseas investors to establish Credit card company

Release date:2014-10-02


Enrichment holding(ERH) help overseas investors and customers to establish a "financial institution" in Australia: This will be the exclusiveERH another success story! And also the "Global Credit Card offshore private sector," the first success stories! Customers set up overseas investment in Australia's financial company, which will be used as private financial institutions, and the issuance of credit cards to its customers guarantees; and global banks issuing credit cards have exactly the same features, such as: deposits, withdrawals, credit card payments, on-line payment, e-wallet, electronic transfers, and monetary gold docking function can be used in the world; on this basis, but also with other financial companies docking platform, such as stocks, foreign exchange, futures, funds, etc., so as to achieve a card multi-use convenience features.