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Australian News

Best countries to be born in for 2014

Release date:2014-09-09

Our sense of nationalism makes us think that, wherever it was we were born, that place is “the best”.

Of course, statistically, only one place can be the best. We can let our emotions color our judgment of a place, even if we’ve never been anywhere else. It is this blind allegiance to one country that governments use to keep us as their tax slaves, thinking that leaving our home country would be the worst decision possible.

The Economic Intelligence Unit conducts a survey of numerous quantitative metric to determine the best countries to be born in. In 1984, for instance, the United States won hands down. These days, things have changed. The “Where to Be Born” survey, based on quality of life indices and other happiness metrics, predicts the countries that offer the greatest chance for a healthy, safe, and prosperous life.

The list has changed quite a bit since 1988 when countries like West Germany topped the charts (Germany is now tied at sixteenth). Here are five best countries to be born in today’s modern age.


2. Australia

Australia is ranked second on the Human Development Index and is the second best country to be born in. Australia is also the only non-European country to make the list, and the only country where English is the first language. The Oceanic country was ranked one of the best countries to be born in not only due to the country’s wealth – which includes rich gold and mineral deposits – but the quality of family life and the low level of crime. Australia also has one of the world’s highest life expectancies, with women expected to live to 86 years old. Despite being far removed from the rest of the world, living in Australia isn’t exactly the punishment it once was, making it once of the best countries for a young child’s future.


5. Denmark

4. Sweden

3. Norway

2. Australia

1. Switzerland

News source: http://nomadcapitalist.com/2014/03/16/top-5-best-countries-to-be-born-in/